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Celebrating International Women's Day

SaverAfrica is excited to celebrate the work of women migrants around the world and to strive for equality


SaverAfrica wishes the millions of African women living and working away from home and their families a Happy International Women’s Day!

There are over 135 million women living or working outside their countries of origin [1]. They have moved from their homeland, often alone, to improve their livelihoods and give their loved ones the chance of a better future.

For every woman sending money home, there may be four or more people in their household who benefit. Remittances help to feed, clothe, provide education, support businesses and encourage a new generation of entrepreneurs in the villages and cities of their home countries. According to UN Women, half of the people who send remittances are women, but women are more likely than men to pay more in fees [1].

At SaverAfrica, we are dedicated to supporting the millions of African migrant women who have taken this inspiring journey. We support the financial empowerment of women through the dedicated resources, training, diaspora and migrant community engagement that SaverAfrica provides.

We are working to ensure that women can find many different options whether sending to a bank account, cash collection or mobile wallet. By providing clear and objective information about rates and fees of remittances we hope to close the gap between men and women.

We are continuing to make remittances easier and more accessible for all, this is why we keep producing financial resources on SaverAfrica.

For anyone looking for a new way to send money home. This blog can help you make your transfer even cheaper or faster.  https://saverafrica.com/different-types-of-remittance/


Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.



[1] – UN Women, ADDRESSING THE IMPACTS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON WOMEN MIGRANT WORKERS, https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/guidance-note-impacts-of-the-covid-19-pandemic-on-women-migrant-workers-en.pdf